Södra Larm Bar & Bistro is a relaxed space from dusk til dawn.
You will find us at Södra Larmgatan 9, across the street from Victoriapassagen.
Södra Larm Bar & Bistro is a relaxed space from dusk til dawn.
You will find us at Södra Larmgatan 9, across the street from Victoriapassagen.
För sällskap över 8 personer, vänligen ring eller mejla oss.
031-13 86 16 sodralarm@hotelflora.se
mo-fr 6.30-10.00 AM
sa 7.30-10.30 AM
su 7.30-11.00 AM
mo-fr 11.30 AM-5.00 PM
(todays lunch 11.30 AM-2.30 PM)
sa 12.00 PM-5.00 PM
su closed
mo-sa 5.00-10.00 PM
su closed
"Probably had the best meatballs in my life here - I’m still dreaming about them" /Sophia
"The chef's recommendation was fantastic. Without comparison the best Crème brûlée ever."/Erik
"Wonderful bistro, professional staff and really good bistro food. Simple, tasty and affordable."/Jonathan
På Södra Larmgatan 9 finner ni Hotel Floras restaurang Södra Larm Bar & Bistro. Här serverar vi svenska klassiker och nya skapelser.